Events of the Week

March 24
Probability & Statistics

Random-Walk Debiased Inference for Contextual Ranking Model with Application in Large Language Model Evaluation

Yichi Zhang - Indiana University Bloomington
Norman Mayer Building 101 4:00 PM
We propose a debiased inference framework to infer the ranking structure in the contextual Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model. We first adopt a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation method using ReLU neural networks to estimate unknown preference functions in the model. For the inference of pairwise ranking, we introduce a novel random-walk debiased estimator that efficiently aggregates all accessible estimating scores. In particular, under mild conditions, our debiased estimator yields a tractable distribution, and achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound asymptotically. We further extend our method by incorporating multiplier bootstrap techniques for the uniform inference of ranking structures, and adapting it to accommodate the distributional shift of contextual variables. We provide thorough numerical studies to validate the statistical properties of our method, and showcase its applicability in evaluating large language models based on human preferences under different contexts.

Probability & Statistics

From Myth to Truth; An Introduction to Statisticians’ Role In Drug Development

Cindy, Xinyu and Lu, Cong - AstraZeneca
Norman Mayer Building 101 4:00 PM
Our presentation explores the evolving role of statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly within drug development. It introduces the various stages of the drug development process, from pre-clinical trials through Phase IV post-market, highlighting statisticians critical roles during those processes. The presentation aims to dispel common myths about the statistical profession in pharma, encouraging more talented graduates devote their career to the mission of bringing innovative treatments to patients.
March 25
Graduate Student Colloquium

An Introduction to Riemann-Roch and Serre Duality

Naufil Sakran - Tulane University
MA 101 3:30 PM
This talk aims to introduce two fundamental theorems in algebraic geometry: the Riemann-Roch theorem and Serre duality. I will develop the necessary background and present these theorems in the setting of Riemann surfaces, following the approach in Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces by Rick Miranda. I will conclude my talk by given few applications of these theorems.
March 26
Algebra and Combinatorics

Asymptotic counts of number fields generated by plane curves

Michael Allen - LSU
Host: Olivia Beckwith
Gibson Hall, Room 310 3:00 PM
Every irreducible polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients corresponds uniquely to a field extension of the rational numbers which consists of Q, a root x of f, and all combinations thereof under the standard arithmetic operations. For example, f(x) = x^2-2 produces the field Q(sqrt{2}) = {a + bsqrt{2} : a, b \in Q}. If f is a polynomial in two or more variables, we can produce infinitely many such fields corresponding to solutions to f=0. For f(x,y) = y^2-x^3-x-1, we have solutions (1, \sqrt{3}), (2, \sqrt{11}), (3, \sqrt{31}) and so on, and so the curve defined by f(x,y)=0 ``generates" the fields Q(\sqrt{3}), Q(\sqrt{11}), and Q(\sqrt{31}).
Recently, Mazur and Rubin suggested using this algebraic information as a means to study the geometric properties of a curve. One can easily ask the reverse question: ``If we know something about a curve C, what can we say about the fields that it generates?" We approach this question through the lens of arithmetic statistics by counting the number of such fields with bounded size---under some appropriate notion of size---for an arbitrary fixed plane curve C. This is joint work in progress with Renee Bell, Robert Lemke Oliver, Allechar Serrano L\'{o}pez, and Tian An Wong.



Daniel Bernstein - Tulane University
Gibson 310 4:15 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 27

Asymptotics and zeros of a special family of Jacobi polynomials.

John Lopez - Tulane University
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, room B11 (basement) 10:00 AM



Philippe Di Francesco - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Host: (Ken McLaughlin)
Gibson Hall 126 3:30 PM
Combinatorics has constantly evolved from the mere counting of classes of objects to the study of their underlying algebraic or analytic properties, such as symmetries or deformations. This was fostered by interactions with in particular statistical physics, where the objects in the class form a statistical ensemble, where each element comes with some probability. Integrable systems form a special subclass: that of systems with sufficiently many symmetries to be amenable to exact solutions.
In this talk, we explore various basic combinatorial problems involving discrete surfaces, dimer models of cluster algebra, or two-dimensional vertex models, whose (discrete or continuum) integrability manifests itself in different manners: commuting operators, conservation laws, flat connections, quantum Yang-Baxter equation, etc. All lead to often simple and beautiful exact solutions.
March 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

Infinitesimal Homeostasis in Mass-Action Systems

Jiaxin Jin - University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Homeostasis occurs in a biological system when a chosen output variable remains approximately constant despite changes in an input variable. In this work we specifically focus on biological systems which may be represented as chemical reaction networks and consider their infinitesimal homeostasis, where the derivative of the input-output function is zero. The specific challenge of chemical reaction networks is that they often obey various conservation laws complicating the standard input-output analysis. We derive several results that allow to verify the existence of infinitesimal homeostasis points both in the absence of conservation and under conservation laws where conserved quantities serve as input parameters. In particular, we introduce the notion of infinitesimal concentration robustness, where the output variable remains nearly constant despite fluctuations in the conserved quantities. We provide several examples of chemical networks which illustrate our results both in deterministic and stochastic settings.
March 24 - March 28
March 24
Probability & Statistics

Random-Walk Debiased Inference for Contextual Ranking Model with Application in Large Language Model Evaluation

Yichi Zhang - Indiana University Bloomington
Norman Mayer Building 101 4:00 PM
We propose a debiased inference framework to infer the ranking structure in the contextual Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model. We first adopt a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation method using ReLU neural networks to estimate unknown preference functions in the model. For the inference of pairwise ranking, we introduce a novel random-walk debiased estimator that efficiently aggregates all accessible estimating scores. In particular, under mild conditions, our debiased estimator yields a tractable distribution, and achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound asymptotically. We further extend our method by incorporating multiplier bootstrap techniques for the uniform inference of ranking structures, and adapting it to accommodate the distributional shift of contextual variables. We provide thorough numerical studies to validate the statistical properties of our method, and showcase its applicability in evaluating large language models based on human preferences under different contexts.

Probability & Statistics

From Myth to Truth; An Introduction to Statisticians’ Role In Drug Development

Cindy, Xinyu and Lu, Cong - AstraZeneca
Norman Mayer Building 101 4:00 PM
Our presentation explores the evolving role of statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly within drug development. It introduces the various stages of the drug development process, from pre-clinical trials through Phase IV post-market, highlighting statisticians critical roles during those processes. The presentation aims to dispel common myths about the statistical profession in pharma, encouraging more talented graduates devote their career to the mission of bringing innovative treatments to patients.
March 25
Graduate Student Colloquium

An Introduction to Riemann-Roch and Serre Duality

Naufil Sakran - Tulane University
MA 101 3:30 PM
This talk aims to introduce two fundamental theorems in algebraic geometry: the Riemann-Roch theorem and Serre duality. I will develop the necessary background and present these theorems in the setting of Riemann surfaces, following the approach in Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces by Rick Miranda. I will conclude my talk by given few applications of these theorems.
March 26
Algebra and Combinatorics

Asymptotic counts of number fields generated by plane curves

Michael Allen - LSU
Host: Olivia Beckwith
Gibson Hall, Room 310 3:00 PM
Every irreducible polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients corresponds uniquely to a field extension of the rational numbers which consists of Q, a root x of f, and all combinations thereof under the standard arithmetic operations. For example, f(x) = x^2-2 produces the field Q(sqrt{2}) = {a + bsqrt{2} : a, b \in Q}. If f is a polynomial in two or more variables, we can produce infinitely many such fields corresponding to solutions to f=0. For f(x,y) = y^2-x^3-x-1, we have solutions (1, \sqrt{3}), (2, \sqrt{11}), (3, \sqrt{31}) and so on, and so the curve defined by f(x,y)=0 ``generates" the fields Q(\sqrt{3}), Q(\sqrt{11}), and Q(\sqrt{31}).
Recently, Mazur and Rubin suggested using this algebraic information as a means to study the geometric properties of a curve. One can easily ask the reverse question: ``If we know something about a curve C, what can we say about the fields that it generates?" We approach this question through the lens of arithmetic statistics by counting the number of such fields with bounded size---under some appropriate notion of size---for an arbitrary fixed plane curve C. This is joint work in progress with Renee Bell, Robert Lemke Oliver, Allechar Serrano L\'{o}pez, and Tian An Wong.



Daniel Bernstein - Tulane University
Gibson 310 4:15 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 27

Asymptotics and zeros of a special family of Jacobi polynomials.

John Lopez - Tulane University
Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, room B11 (basement) 10:00 AM



Philippe Di Francesco - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Host: (Ken McLaughlin)
Gibson Hall 126 3:30 PM
Combinatorics has constantly evolved from the mere counting of classes of objects to the study of their underlying algebraic or analytic properties, such as symmetries or deformations. This was fostered by interactions with in particular statistical physics, where the objects in the class form a statistical ensemble, where each element comes with some probability. Integrable systems form a special subclass: that of systems with sufficiently many symmetries to be amenable to exact solutions.
In this talk, we explore various basic combinatorial problems involving discrete surfaces, dimer models of cluster algebra, or two-dimensional vertex models, whose (discrete or continuum) integrability manifests itself in different manners: commuting operators, conservation laws, flat connections, quantum Yang-Baxter equation, etc. All lead to often simple and beautiful exact solutions.
March 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

Infinitesimal Homeostasis in Mass-Action Systems

Jiaxin Jin - University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Homeostasis occurs in a biological system when a chosen output variable remains approximately constant despite changes in an input variable. In this work we specifically focus on biological systems which may be represented as chemical reaction networks and consider their infinitesimal homeostasis, where the derivative of the input-output function is zero. The specific challenge of chemical reaction networks is that they often obey various conservation laws complicating the standard input-output analysis. We derive several results that allow to verify the existence of infinitesimal homeostasis points both in the absence of conservation and under conservation laws where conserved quantities serve as input parameters. In particular, we introduce the notion of infinitesimal concentration robustness, where the output variable remains nearly constant despite fluctuations in the conserved quantities. We provide several examples of chemical networks which illustrate our results both in deterministic and stochastic settings.
March 31
no events
April 1
no events
April 2
Probability & Statistics

Dealing with discordance in the Tree of Life

Matthew Hahn - Indiana University Bloomington
Dinwiddie Hall 102 4:00 PM
Phylogenetics is concerned with uncovering the relationships among organisms (the “Tree of Life”), and statistical computational research has made many important contributions to achieving this goal. In this talk I discuss a major overall challenge facing the field as DNA sequencing efforts have become central to this work: many individual genes have tree topologies that do not match the tree describing relationships among species. Such gene-tree discordance poses many new difficulties for inferring the Tree of Life. Here, I present three approaches for dealing with discordance: 1) a deep-learning method for inferring gene-tree topologies; 2) a quartet summary approach that combines many different gene-tree topologies to construct an accurate species tree, even in the presence of duplication and loss; and 3) a probabilistic approach to reconstructing the history of different traits on a species tree in the presence of discordance. These three problems (and their solutions) represent just a fraction of the challenges now facing the field of phylogenetics.
April 3


Sudhir Ghorpade - IIT Bombay
Host: (Can)
Gibson Hall 126 3:30 PM
April 4
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Mark Hoefer - University of Colorado Boulder
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
Special weekend events
April 5

Math For All Conference 2025

View Details
March 31 - April 4
March 31
no events
April 1
no events
April 2
Probability & Statistics

Dealing with discordance in the Tree of Life

Matthew Hahn - Indiana University Bloomington
Dinwiddie Hall 102 4:00 PM
Phylogenetics is concerned with uncovering the relationships among organisms (the “Tree of Life”), and statistical computational research has made many important contributions to achieving this goal. In this talk I discuss a major overall challenge facing the field as DNA sequencing efforts have become central to this work: many individual genes have tree topologies that do not match the tree describing relationships among species. Such gene-tree discordance poses many new difficulties for inferring the Tree of Life. Here, I present three approaches for dealing with discordance: 1) a deep-learning method for inferring gene-tree topologies; 2) a quartet summary approach that combines many different gene-tree topologies to construct an accurate species tree, even in the presence of duplication and loss; and 3) a probabilistic approach to reconstructing the history of different traits on a species tree in the presence of discordance. These three problems (and their solutions) represent just a fraction of the challenges now facing the field of phylogenetics.
April 3


Sudhir Ghorpade - IIT Bombay
Host: (Can)
Gibson Hall 126 3:30 PM
April 4
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Mark Hoefer - University of Colorado Boulder
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
Special weekend events
April 5

Math For All Conference 2025

View Details
April 7
no events
April 8
Algebraic Geometry

Tensor Products of Leibniz Bimodules and Grothendieck Rings

Joerg Feldvoss - University of South Alabama, Mobile
Lindy Boggs Energy Center - BO-242 3:00 PM
Leibniz algebras were introduced by Blo(k)h and Loday as non-anticommutative analogues of Lie algebras. Many results for Lie algebras and their modules have been proven to hold for Leibniz algebras and Leibniz bimodules, but there are also several results that are not true in this more general context. In this talk we will define three different notions of tensor products for Leibniz bimodules. The "natural" tensor product of Leibniz bimodules is not always a Leibniz bimodule. In order to fix this, we will introduce the notion of a weak Leibniz bimodule and show that the "natural" tensor product of weak bimodules is again a weak bimodule. Moreover, it turns out that weak Leibniz bimodules are modules over a cocommutative Hopf algebra canonically associated to the Leibniz algebra. Therefore, the category of all weak Leibniz bimodules is symmetric monoidal and the full subcategory of finite-dimensional weak Leibniz bimodules in addition is rigid and pivotal. On the other hand, we introduce two truncated tensor products of Leibniz bimodules which are again Leibniz bimodules. These tensor products induce a non-associative multiplication on the Grothendieck group of the category of finite-dimensional Leibniz bimodules. In particular, we prove that in characteristic zero for a finite-dimensional solvable Leibniz algebra over an algebraically closed field this Grothendieck ring is an alternative power-associative commutative Jordan ring, but for a finite-dimensional non-zero semi-simple Leibniz algebra it is neither alternative nor a Jordan ring. We also expect it not to be power-associative in the semi-simple case, but at the moment we are neither able to prove nor to disprove this.
This is joint work with Friedrich Wagemann from Nantes Universit\'e
April 9
Algebra and Combinatorics

Tropical Methods in Motivic Enumerative Geometry

Andrés Jaramillo Puentes - University of Tübingen
GI-310 3:00 PM
Over the complex numbers the solutions to enumerative problems are invariant: the number of solutions of a polynomial equation or polynomial system, the number of lines or curves in a surface, etc. Over the real numbers such invariance fails. However, the signed count of solutions may lead to numerical invariants: Descartes' rule of signs, Poincaré-Hopf theorem, real curve-counting invariants. Since many of this problems have a geometric nature, one may ask the same problems for arbitrary fields.
Motivic homotopy theory allows to do enumerative geometry over an arbitrary base, leading to additional arithmetic and geometric information. The goal of this talk is to illustrate a generalized notion of sign that allows us to state a movitic version of classical theorems like the Bézout theorem, the tropical correspondence theorem and a wall-crossing formula for curve counting invariants for points in quadratic field extensions.
April 10
no events
April 11
no events
April 7 - April 11
April 7
no events
April 8
Algebraic Geometry

Tensor Products of Leibniz Bimodules and Grothendieck Rings

Joerg Feldvoss - University of South Alabama, Mobile
Lindy Boggs Energy Center - BO-242 3:00 PM
Leibniz algebras were introduced by Blo(k)h and Loday as non-anticommutative analogues of Lie algebras. Many results for Lie algebras and their modules have been proven to hold for Leibniz algebras and Leibniz bimodules, but there are also several results that are not true in this more general context. In this talk we will define three different notions of tensor products for Leibniz bimodules. The "natural" tensor product of Leibniz bimodules is not always a Leibniz bimodule. In order to fix this, we will introduce the notion of a weak Leibniz bimodule and show that the "natural" tensor product of weak bimodules is again a weak bimodule. Moreover, it turns out that weak Leibniz bimodules are modules over a cocommutative Hopf algebra canonically associated to the Leibniz algebra. Therefore, the category of all weak Leibniz bimodules is symmetric monoidal and the full subcategory of finite-dimensional weak Leibniz bimodules in addition is rigid and pivotal. On the other hand, we introduce two truncated tensor products of Leibniz bimodules which are again Leibniz bimodules. These tensor products induce a non-associative multiplication on the Grothendieck group of the category of finite-dimensional Leibniz bimodules. In particular, we prove that in characteristic zero for a finite-dimensional solvable Leibniz algebra over an algebraically closed field this Grothendieck ring is an alternative power-associative commutative Jordan ring, but for a finite-dimensional non-zero semi-simple Leibniz algebra it is neither alternative nor a Jordan ring. We also expect it not to be power-associative in the semi-simple case, but at the moment we are neither able to prove nor to disprove this.
This is joint work with Friedrich Wagemann from Nantes Universit\'e
April 9
Algebra and Combinatorics

Tropical Methods in Motivic Enumerative Geometry

Andrés Jaramillo Puentes - University of Tübingen
GI-310 3:00 PM
Over the complex numbers the solutions to enumerative problems are invariant: the number of solutions of a polynomial equation or polynomial system, the number of lines or curves in a surface, etc. Over the real numbers such invariance fails. However, the signed count of solutions may lead to numerical invariants: Descartes' rule of signs, Poincaré-Hopf theorem, real curve-counting invariants. Since many of this problems have a geometric nature, one may ask the same problems for arbitrary fields.
Motivic homotopy theory allows to do enumerative geometry over an arbitrary base, leading to additional arithmetic and geometric information. The goal of this talk is to illustrate a generalized notion of sign that allows us to state a movitic version of classical theorems like the Bézout theorem, the tropical correspondence theorem and a wall-crossing formula for curve counting invariants for points in quadratic field extensions.
April 10
no events
April 11
no events
April 14

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 15

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 16

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 17

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 18

Macaulay2 Workshop

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Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Alexander Moll - Reed College
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
April 14 - April 18
April 14

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 15

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 16

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 17

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 18

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details

Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Alexander Moll - Reed College
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
April 21
no events
April 22
no events
April 23
no events
April 24
no events
April 25
no events
April 21 - April 25
April 21
no events
April 22
no events
April 23
no events
April 24
no events
April 25
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April 28
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April 29
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April 30
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May 1
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May 2
no events
April 28 - May 2
April 28
no events
April 29
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April 30
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May 1
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May 2
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May 5
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May 6
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May 7
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May 8
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May 9
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May 5 - May 9
May 5
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May 6
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May 7
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May 8
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May 9
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May 12
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May 13
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May 14
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May 15
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May 16
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May 12 - May 16
May 12
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May 13
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May 14
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May 15
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May 16
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May 19
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May 20
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May 21
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May 22
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May 23
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May 19 - May 23
May 19
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May 20
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May 21
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May 22
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May 23
no events
May 26

Memorial Day - University Holiday

May 27
no events
May 28
no events
May 29
no events
May 30
no events
May 26 - May 30
May 26

Memorial Day - University Holiday

May 27
no events
May 28
no events
May 29
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May 30
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June 2
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June 3
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June 4
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June 5
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June 6
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June 2 - June 6
June 2
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June 3
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June 4
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June 5
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June 6
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June 9
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June 10
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June 11
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June 12
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June 13
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June 9 - June 13
June 9
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June 10
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June 11
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June 12
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June 13
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June 16
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June 17
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June 18
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June 19

Juneteenth - University Holiday

June 20
no events
June 16 - June 20
June 16
no events
June 17
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June 18
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June 19

Juneteenth - University Holiday

June 20
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June 23
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June 24
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June 25
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June 26
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June 27
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June 23 - June 27
June 23
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June 24
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June 25
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June 26
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June 27
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June 30
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July 1
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July 3
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July 4
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June 30 - July 4
June 30
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July 1
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July 2
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July 3
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July 4
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Mardi Gras Mask