Events of the Week

February 17
Integrability and Beyond

Random Matrices; Fredholm determinant representations for (a) spectral gaps, (b) largest eigenvalues, and (c) number statistics.

Gibson Hall 310 3:00 PM
We will return to the numerical experiments, to carefully develop intuition. And explore some more precise open problems. Then we will return to complete the proof of the fundamental relation between eigenvalues and Fredholm determinants.
February 18
Graduate Student Colloquium

Stochastic Differential Equations, Epidemic Models, and a brief overview on Chagas' Disease.

Joshua Agbomola - Tulane University
BO 242(G) 3:00 PM
The presentation provides an introduction to Chagas disease, a parasitic infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, primarily transmitted by Triatomine bugs. It outlines key transmission pathways, including vector-borne, congenital, and less common mechanisms. The discussion then shifts to the application of a stochastic SIS (Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible) model, illustrating how randomness can enhance epidemic modeling by accounting for variability and uncertainty in disease dynamics.
February 19
no events
February 20
no events
February 21
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

The unreasonable utility of symmetric three-term recurrences

Tom Trogdon - University of Washington
Host: Aikaterini Gkogkou
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Symmetric three-term recurrences (STRs) naturally arise in the study of orthogonal polynomials, iterative methods for symmetric matrices and numerical complex analysis. While deceptively simple, STRs allow for many extremely effective numerical methods. This talk will review some classical methods and uses and connect to more recent developments related to the computation of Cauchy integrals, computing matrix functions and spectral density estimation for random matrices.

Algebra and Combinatorics

Ear decompositions of graphs: an unexpected tool in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra

Ngo Viet Trung - Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Host: Tai Ha
Gibson Hall 310 3:00 PM
Ear decomposition is a classical notion in Graph Theory. It has been shown in 1, 2 that this notion can be used to solve difficult problems on homological properties of edge ideals in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra.
This talk presents the main combinatorial ideas behind these results.
1) H.M. Lam and N.V. Trung, Associated primes of powers of edge ideals and ear decompositions of graphs, Trans. AMS 372 (2019)
2) H.M. Lam, N.V. Trung, and T.N. Trung, A general formula for the index of depth stability of edge ideals, Trans. AMS, to appear.
February 17 - February 21
February 17
Integrability and Beyond

Random Matrices; Fredholm determinant representations for (a) spectral gaps, (b) largest eigenvalues, and (c) number statistics.

Gibson Hall 310 3:00 PM
We will return to the numerical experiments, to carefully develop intuition. And explore some more precise open problems. Then we will return to complete the proof of the fundamental relation between eigenvalues and Fredholm determinants.
February 18
Graduate Student Colloquium

Stochastic Differential Equations, Epidemic Models, and a brief overview on Chagas' Disease.

Joshua Agbomola - Tulane University
BO 242(G) 3:00 PM
The presentation provides an introduction to Chagas disease, a parasitic infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, primarily transmitted by Triatomine bugs. It outlines key transmission pathways, including vector-borne, congenital, and less common mechanisms. The discussion then shifts to the application of a stochastic SIS (Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible) model, illustrating how randomness can enhance epidemic modeling by accounting for variability and uncertainty in disease dynamics.
February 19
no events
February 20
no events
February 21
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

The unreasonable utility of symmetric three-term recurrences

Tom Trogdon - University of Washington
Host: Aikaterini Gkogkou
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Symmetric three-term recurrences (STRs) naturally arise in the study of orthogonal polynomials, iterative methods for symmetric matrices and numerical complex analysis. While deceptively simple, STRs allow for many extremely effective numerical methods. This talk will review some classical methods and uses and connect to more recent developments related to the computation of Cauchy integrals, computing matrix functions and spectral density estimation for random matrices.

Algebra and Combinatorics

Ear decompositions of graphs: an unexpected tool in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra

Ngo Viet Trung - Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Host: Tai Ha
Gibson Hall 310 3:00 PM
Ear decomposition is a classical notion in Graph Theory. It has been shown in 1, 2 that this notion can be used to solve difficult problems on homological properties of edge ideals in Combinatorial Commutative Algebra.
This talk presents the main combinatorial ideas behind these results.
1) H.M. Lam and N.V. Trung, Associated primes of powers of edge ideals and ear decompositions of graphs, Trans. AMS 372 (2019)
2) H.M. Lam, N.V. Trung, and T.N. Trung, A general formula for the index of depth stability of edge ideals, Trans. AMS, to appear.
February 24
Integrability and Beyond

A Vision of Integrability; McKean's Unimodularity Conjecture

Gibson Hall, 310 3:30 PM
In a striking series of papers, titled Geometry of KdV(1) - Geometry of KdV(5), Henry Mckean formulated a precise notion of what should be the function space foliation by invariant sets for the Korteweg-deVries evolution. This is meant to pertain to initial data that is smooth but otherwise only required to be bounded below. This foliation should generalize the picture of (typically infinite dimensional) Arnold-Liouville torii familiar from the particular case of periodic initial data. The proposed answer is phrased in terms Kodaira’s elegant extension of the classical Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for spectral weights of Schrodinger operators.

The goal of the talk will be to first present an overview of McKean’s conjecture and then to describe some recent work, joint with Dylan Murphy, on analogous investigations for the Toda lattice and Jacobi operators.
February 25

Dynamical Systems Insights into Map Enumeration

TBA 4:30 PM
This talk will highlight techniques from discrete dynamical systems theory that have led to significant advances in map enumeration. We will start with a brief overview of generating functions for map counts and their relation to solutions of the discrete Painlevé I equation. We will then present computational and analytical results that lead to specific generating functions and, in the case of 4-valent maps, derive explicit expressions for map counts as functions of the number of vertices and the genus of the surface on which the map is embedded. We will conclude with open as well as recently solved questions associated with this research program. This is joint work with Nick Ercolani and Brandon Tippings.
February 26
Algebra and Combinatorics

A combinatorial method for the reduction number of an ideal

Gibson Hall, 310 3:00 PM
In the study of commutative rings, several algebraic properties are captured by numerical invariants which are defined in terms of ideals and their powers. Among these, of particular relevance are the reduction number and analytic spread of an ideal, which control the growth of the powers of the given ideal for large exponents. Unfortunately, these invariants are usually difficult to calculate for arbitrary ideals, and different methods might be required depending on the specific features of the class of ideals under examination.

In this talk, I will discuss a combinatorial method to calculate the reduction number of an ideal, based on a homological characterization in terms of the regularity of a graded algebra. This is part of ongoing joint work with Louiza Fouli, Kriti Goel, Haydee Lindo, Kuei-Nuan Lin, Whitney Liske, Maral Mostafazadehfard and Gabriel Sosa.
February 27
no events
February 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Nick Cogan - Florida State University
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
February 24 - February 28
February 24
Integrability and Beyond

A Vision of Integrability; McKean's Unimodularity Conjecture

Gibson Hall, 310 3:30 PM
In a striking series of papers, titled Geometry of KdV(1) - Geometry of KdV(5), Henry Mckean formulated a precise notion of what should be the function space foliation by invariant sets for the Korteweg-deVries evolution. This is meant to pertain to initial data that is smooth but otherwise only required to be bounded below. This foliation should generalize the picture of (typically infinite dimensional) Arnold-Liouville torii familiar from the particular case of periodic initial data. The proposed answer is phrased in terms Kodaira’s elegant extension of the classical Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for spectral weights of Schrodinger operators.

The goal of the talk will be to first present an overview of McKean’s conjecture and then to describe some recent work, joint with Dylan Murphy, on analogous investigations for the Toda lattice and Jacobi operators.
February 25

Dynamical Systems Insights into Map Enumeration

TBA 4:30 PM
This talk will highlight techniques from discrete dynamical systems theory that have led to significant advances in map enumeration. We will start with a brief overview of generating functions for map counts and their relation to solutions of the discrete Painlevé I equation. We will then present computational and analytical results that lead to specific generating functions and, in the case of 4-valent maps, derive explicit expressions for map counts as functions of the number of vertices and the genus of the surface on which the map is embedded. We will conclude with open as well as recently solved questions associated with this research program. This is joint work with Nick Ercolani and Brandon Tippings.
February 26
Algebra and Combinatorics

A combinatorial method for the reduction number of an ideal

Gibson Hall, 310 3:00 PM
In the study of commutative rings, several algebraic properties are captured by numerical invariants which are defined in terms of ideals and their powers. Among these, of particular relevance are the reduction number and analytic spread of an ideal, which control the growth of the powers of the given ideal for large exponents. Unfortunately, these invariants are usually difficult to calculate for arbitrary ideals, and different methods might be required depending on the specific features of the class of ideals under examination.

In this talk, I will discuss a combinatorial method to calculate the reduction number of an ideal, based on a homological characterization in terms of the regularity of a graded algebra. This is part of ongoing joint work with Louiza Fouli, Kriti Goel, Haydee Lindo, Kuei-Nuan Lin, Whitney Liske, Maral Mostafazadehfard and Gabriel Sosa.
February 27
no events
February 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Nick Cogan - Florida State University
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 3

Lundi Gras – University Holiday

March 4

Mardi Gras Day - University Holiday

March 5
no events
March 6
no events
March 7
no events
March 3 - March 7
March 3

Lundi Gras – University Holiday

March 4

Mardi Gras Day - University Holiday

March 5
no events
March 6
no events
March 7
no events
March 10
no events
March 11
no events
March 12
no events
March 13


Theo Drivas - SUNY Stony Brook
Host: Sam
TBA 3:30 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 14

Scientific Computing Around Louisiana (SCALA)

View Details
March 10 - March 14
March 10
no events
March 11
no events
March 12
no events
March 13


Theo Drivas - SUNY Stony Brook
Host: Sam
TBA 3:30 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 14

Scientific Computing Around Louisiana (SCALA)

View Details
March 17
no events
March 18
no events
March 19
no events
March 20
no events
March 21
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Siting Liu - UC Riverside
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 17 - March 21
March 17
no events
March 18
no events
March 19
no events
March 20
no events
March 21
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Siting Liu - UC Riverside
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
March 24
no events
March 25
no events
March 26
no events
March 27
no events
March 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

Infinitesimal Homeostasis in Mass-Action Systems

Jiaxin Jin - University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Homeostasis occurs in a biological system when a chosen output variable remains approximately constant despite changes in an input variable. In this work we specifically focus on biological systems which may be represented as chemical reaction networks and consider their infinitesimal homeostasis, where the derivative of the input-output function is zero. The specific challenge of chemical reaction networks is that they often obey various conservation laws complicating the standard input-output analysis. We derive several results that allow to verify the existence of infinitesimal homeostasis points both in the absence of conservation and under conservation laws where conserved quantities serve as input parameters. In particular, we introduce the notion of infinitesimal concentration robustness, where the output variable remains nearly constant despite fluctuations in the conserved quantities. We provide several examples of chemical networks which illustrate our results both in deterministic and stochastic settings.
March 24 - March 28
March 24
no events
March 25
no events
March 26
no events
March 27
no events
March 28
Applied and Computational Math Seminar

Infinitesimal Homeostasis in Mass-Action Systems

Jiaxin Jin - University of Louisiana-Lafayette
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Homeostasis occurs in a biological system when a chosen output variable remains approximately constant despite changes in an input variable. In this work we specifically focus on biological systems which may be represented as chemical reaction networks and consider their infinitesimal homeostasis, where the derivative of the input-output function is zero. The specific challenge of chemical reaction networks is that they often obey various conservation laws complicating the standard input-output analysis. We derive several results that allow to verify the existence of infinitesimal homeostasis points both in the absence of conservation and under conservation laws where conserved quantities serve as input parameters. In particular, we introduce the notion of infinitesimal concentration robustness, where the output variable remains nearly constant despite fluctuations in the conserved quantities. We provide several examples of chemical networks which illustrate our results both in deterministic and stochastic settings.
March 31
no events
April 1
no events
April 2
no events
April 3
no events
April 4
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Mark Hoefer - University of Colorado Boulder
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
Special weekend events
April 5

Math For All Conference 2025

View Details
Title and abstract to be announced
March 31 - April 4
March 31
no events
April 1
no events
April 2
no events
April 3
no events
April 4
Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Mark Hoefer - University of Colorado Boulder
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
Special weekend events
April 5

Math For All Conference 2025

View Details
Title and abstract to be announced
April 7
no events
April 8
no events
April 9
no events
April 10
no events
April 11
no events
April 7 - April 11
April 7
no events
April 8
no events
April 9
no events
April 10
no events
April 11
no events
April 14

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 15

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 16

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 17

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 18

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details

Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Alexander Moll - Reed College
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
April 14 - April 18
April 14

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 15

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 16

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 17

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details
April 18

Macaulay2 Workshop

View Details

Applied and Computational Math Seminar


Alexander Moll - Reed College
Gibson Hall 325 3:00 PM
Title and abstract to be announced
April 21
no events
April 22
no events
April 23
no events
April 24
no events
April 25
no events
April 21 - April 25
April 21
no events
April 22
no events
April 23
no events
April 24
no events
April 25
no events
April 28
no events
April 29
no events
April 30
no events
May 1
no events
May 2
no events
April 28 - May 2
April 28
no events
April 29
no events
April 30
no events
May 1
no events
May 2
no events
May 5
no events
May 6
no events
May 7
no events
May 8
no events
May 9
no events
May 5 - May 9
May 5
no events
May 6
no events
May 7
no events
May 8
no events
May 9
no events
May 12
no events
May 13
no events
May 14
no events
May 15
no events
May 16
no events
May 12 - May 16
May 12
no events
May 13
no events
May 14
no events
May 15
no events
May 16
no events
May 19
no events
May 20
no events
May 21
no events
May 22
no events
May 23
no events
May 19 - May 23
May 19
no events
May 20
no events
May 21
no events
May 22
no events
May 23
no events
May 26

Memorial Day - University Holiday

May 27
no events
May 28
no events
May 29
no events
May 30
no events
May 26 - May 30
May 26

Memorial Day - University Holiday

May 27
no events
May 28
no events
May 29
no events
May 30
no events
June 2
no events
June 3
no events
June 4
no events
June 5
no events
June 6
no events
June 2 - June 6
June 2
no events
June 3
no events
June 4
no events
June 5
no events
June 6
no events
June 9
no events
June 10
no events
June 11
no events
June 12
no events
June 13
no events
June 9 - June 13
June 9
no events
June 10
no events
June 11
no events
June 12
no events
June 13
no events
June 16
no events
June 17
no events
June 18
no events
June 19

Juneteenth - University Holiday

June 20
no events
June 16 - June 20
June 16
no events
June 17
no events
June 18
no events
June 19

Juneteenth - University Holiday

June 20
no events
June 23
no events
June 24
no events
June 25
no events
June 26
no events
June 27
no events
June 23 - June 27
June 23
no events
June 24
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June 25
no events
June 26
no events
June 27
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June 30
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July 1
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July 2
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July 3
no events
July 4
no events
June 30 - July 4
June 30
no events
July 1
no events
July 2
no events
July 3
no events
July 4
no events
Mardi Gras Mask