A conference on
Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory
November 8 -- 10, 2018
The goal of this conference is to bring researchers from commutative algebra,
algebraic combinatorics and representation theory together to stimulate further
research interaction and collaboration across these areas.
The confirmed speakers are
Abstracts of the talks: The titles and the abstracts of the talks can be found
Mathematics Department at Tulane University is located at the 3rd and 4th floors of Gibson Hall
(6823 Saint Charles Avenue, New Orleans, 70118).
The easiest way to get to the Mathematics Department is by taking an uber or a taxi.
Program: The schedule of the talks can be found here!
Registration: There is no registration fee, however, if you are planning to attend to the conference
please send an email to us (so we will know how much coffee to order).

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