AMSC/CMSC 460 - Spring 2018

Interactive examples

Old Exams

Below are some old exams and solutions for AMSC/CMSC 460 courtesy of Dr. Levy. They are meant for practice only and are not expected to be a template for the midterm exams in this class.

Midterm Exam 2 Midterm Exam 1

Principle Texts

We will primarily use the following texts for the course. Both texts are free and will contain most of the required readings for the course.

MATLAB Resources

Tutoring Information

The math department has very good resources available for tutoring in various topics, including MATLAB. The schedule and list of tutors, organized by tutor, topic and room location is listed on the math department website. I strongly recommend making use of these resources if you are having trouble with the course material, or if you are simply looking for extra input.