
MATH241H - Setion 0301 - Fall 2017


This course serves as an introduction to multivariable calculus, including vectors and vector-valued functions, partial derivatives and applications of partial derivatives (such as tangent planes and Lagrange multipliers), multiple integrals, volume, surface area, and the classical theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss.

For a more detailed outline of the course topics, see the Course Schedule.


You are expected to have taken (or tested out of) MATH140 (Calc I) and MATH141 (Calc II). It will be especially helpful if you recall basics about graphs of functions, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions as well their various identities, basic rules and techniques of differentiation and integration, parameterization of curves and polar coordinates. If you would like a basic calculus refresher, I recommend reading Dr. Levermores notes in the resources section of this webpage.


The textbook for the course is:

Calculus w/ Concepts in Calculus, 6th Edition Required

by Ellis & Gulick


Suggested homework assignments for each day will be listed in the course schedule. These assignments will not be collected, but should serve as a guideline for the quizzes and exams later in the course. The quizzes and exams will difficult if you have not done the suggested homework.


There will be an in-class quiz during discussion every week unless otherwise stated. The quizzes will be graded out of 10 points each and the top 10 highest quiz grades will be kept, dropping all others. The quiz problems will be based on the suggested homework, and solutions will be posted on the home page.

Important Absolutely no make-up's will be allowed for quizzes. Any missed quizzes will be among those dropped at the end of the semester.

MATLAB Assignments

There will be 4 MATLAB assignments throughout the class, graded out of 20 pts each. No partial credit will be given on each problem. Zero credit being given for MATLAB code or commands that produce error messages or faulty plots. Please refer to the MATLAB page for more information about submitting MATLAB assignments.


There will be 4 in-class exams worth 100 pts each as well as a final worth 200 pts. The material covered by each exam is listed on the course schedule.

Note: In the event that you have score poorly on one of the in-class exams (15pts lower than the average of the other two), you will have the option to choose to replace that low score with the score on the final. Students who qualify must indicated their choice on their final exam before they submit it.

Important Current departmental policy prohibits the use of calculators or notes on the MATH241 exams.


The breakdown and percentages are described in the following table:

Points Percentage
Quizzes 100 (10x10) 12.5%
MATLAB 100 (4x25) 12.5%
In Class Exams 400 (4x100) 50%
Final Exam 200 25%
Total 800 100%

Grades will be tentatively be assigned based on the following cutoffs. These cutoffs may be subject to change as the course progresses.

Points Percentage Grade
720-800 90%-100% A
640-719 80%-89% B
560-639 70%-79% C
480-559 60%-69% D
< 480 < 60% F

Grade modifiers (+-) may be added to grades within 15pts (~2%) of the boundary points. Eg: 89% = B+. I reserve the right to assign grade modifiers to student grades as I see fit.

Academic Integrity Policies

The University has a nationally recognized Code of Academic Integrity, administered by the Student Honor Council.
It is expected that all students will abide by this code during all assignments, quizzes, and examinations in this course.
A summary of the code can be found on Testudo.

The Student Honor Council proposed and the University Senate approved an Honor Pledge. Each student will be asked to hand write and sign the University of Maryland Honor Pledge on each examination.

This Pledge reads:

I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination.
Visit the Student Honor Council webpage about the University of Maryland Honor Pledge.

Students with Disabilities

The University of Maryland provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Please notify me immediately if you require such accommodations (do not wait until the day before the first exam).