Program Schedule |
Workshops and Computer Laboratory
The first three days of the Institute will have a significant focus on introducing students and interested faculty to some of the background tools and skills used in the field. This part of the Institute will be led by Prof. Medina and will consist of mathematical/statistical workshops and an intertwined mathematics computer laboratory. The mathematical/statistical workshops will take place in the morning and will focus on topics such as ordinary and partial differential equations; deterministic vs. stochastic dynamical systems; parameter estimation; and linear spaces commonly used in approximations, estimation and numerical error analysis. The workshops will consist of a ninety-minute interactive lecture followed by a ninety-minute problem session where students will work in groups on open-ended problems in population dynamics.
In the afternoon, participants will attend a mathematical laboratory in which they will use the computer algebra system Mathematica and the computational software MATLAB to work through project-like problems grounded on the material from the morning lectures. The afternoon sessions will include numerical, symbolic and graphical simulations of population dynamical systems; symbolic solutions of large linear systems; time series of stochastic systems; and actual parameter estimations using real data. |
Workshops and Computer Lab Schedule |
Time |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
9:00am - 10:30am |
workshop |
workshop |
workshop |
11:00am - 12:30pm |
problem session |
problem session |
problem session |
12:30 - 2:00pm |
lunch |
lunch |
lunch |
computer lab |
computer lab |
computer lab |
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Lectures --------------
Starting on Thursday of the first week through Friday of the second week of the PASI, the schedule
of activities will consist of eight days of lectures and working sessions where collaborative
projects can be proposed and discussed (Thu - Sat and Mon - Fri).
A field trip will be planned for Sunday at the end of the first week.
The PASI participants will include a total of 12 lecturers, each of whom will
deliver 2 or 3 lectures.
A typical day will be organized as follows: |
| |
Lecture Schedule (Thurs - Sat, Mon - Fri) |
9:00am - 10:00am |
Lecture 1 |
10:15am - 10:45am |
Working Sessions |
11:00am - Noon |
Lecture 2 |
Noon - 2:00pm |
Lunch |
2:00pm - 3:00pm |
Lecture 3 |
3:15pm -3:45pm |
Working Sessions |
4:00pm -5:00pm |
Lecture 4 |
5:15pm -5:45pm |
Working Sessions |
The working sessions are a key component
of the program. They are sessions with a flexible format where participants can ask
follow-up questions and brainstorm on possible new collaborative projects, where ideas
discussed in the lectures can be expanded and clarified, and where references and other
information can be shared. We envision each working session to consist of 2 or 3 separate
groups meeting concurrently to discuss different topics. The lecturers will designate a
moderator for each working session.
July 20-21:
Dr. Javier Rojo (Rice University)
• Survival analysis: introduction and time-to-event data
• Parametric methods: estimation, distribu5tions of failure time, likelihood theory
• Non-parametric methods for one sample estimation
• Non-parametric methods for two sample tests
• Parametric analysis of dependence on explanatory variables
• Semiparametric Models for censored survival data
July 22: Dr. Lisa Fauci (Tulane University)
July 23: Field trip
July 24: Dr. Reinhard Laubenbacher and Henning Mortveit (Virginia Bioinformatics
• Relationships between discrete and continuous models
• State-discrete models: mathematical aspects and examples
• Agent-based models: microsimulation population dynamics, epidemiological models
July 25-26:
July 27: Dr. Angel Estrella (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan) and
Robert Matlock (Tulane University)
• Partial differential equations models and applications
July 28: Dr. David Salas (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
• Applications to Oceanography
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