My research interests lie in algebraic and tropical geometry.
In Fall 2020, I joined Tulane University's Mathematics Department as an Assistant Professor. Previously, I was a Gibbs Assistant Professor at Yale University working with Sam Payne. In Spring 2018 I was visiting the Mittag-Leffler Institute. During May 2018 I was at Warwick University.
I received my PhD from Johns Hopkins University under the supervision of Caterina Consani and Jack Morava. In 2010 I obtained a MSc at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary with a topic in group theory under the supervision of Pál Hegedűs.
This semester I teach Math 1210 (Calculus I).
You can find a copy of my CV here.
Tulane University
Gibson Hall 409
Phone 504-862-3452
New Orleans, LA