This course will be an introduction to tropical geometry. This is the study tropical varieties which are combinatorial objects (polyhedral complexes) associated to classical algebraic varieties. These objects encode a wealth of information about the original varieties. We will mostly be following the book of D. Maclagan and B. Sturmfels. Topics include: Groebner and Tropical bases, structure of tropical varieties, the fundamental theorem of tropical geometry, tropical linear algebra, matroid theory, toric connections.
Office hours: Wednesday 2pm - 3pm
Lecture # | Date | Topic |
1 | 01/17 | Intro, tropical arithmetics, valuations |
2 | 01/19 | Valuations, varieties, polyhedral geometry |
3 | 01/24 | Polyhedral geometry, Groebner basis, term orderings |
4 | 01/26 | Groebner basis over fields with valuation, initial ideals |
5 | 01/31 | Groebner complexes |
6 | 02/02 | Groebner complexes, tropical basis |
7 | 02/14 | Tropical varieties, Kapranov's theorem |
8 | 02/16 | Kapranov's theorem, tropical varieties over field extensions |
9 | 02/21 | The fundamental theorem of tropical geometry |
10 | 02/23 | Bieri-Groves |
11 | 02/28 | The structure theorem |
12 | 03/02 | Multiplicities and balancing |
13 | 03/07 | Hyperplane arrangements |
14 | 03/09 | Matroids |
15 | 03/28 | Dressian, valuated matroids, tropical ideals |
16 | 03/30 | Tropical ideals |
17 | 04/19 | Tropical ideals, tropical schemes |
18 | 04/19 | (guest lecture - Dan Corey) tropical Grassmaniann |
19 | 04/25 | Tropicalization of toric varieties |
20 | 04/28 | Tropicalization of toric varieties, geometric tropicalization |