M. Hopkins and L. Fauci, 2002. A computational model of the collective fluid dynamics of motile microorganisms. J. Fluid Mech., 455, p. 149-174.

Pseudo-steady-state cell and chemical concentrations for gradient-detecting chemotaxis at t = 1600 sec. The white line in the figure represents the threshold, below which the cells are not swimming. Although the cells are nonmotile in this region, they are still advected by the fluid.

R. Dillon, L. Fauci, 2000. A Microscale Model of Bacterial and Biofilm Dynamics in Porous Media Biotech. and Bioengr., Vol. 68: 536-547.

R. Dillon, L. Fauci, C. Omoto, 2003. Mathematical Modeling of Axoneme Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics in Ciliary and Sperm Motility, Dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems, Vol. 10, No. 5: 745-757.

K. Rejniak, H. Kliman, L. Fauci, 2004. A computational model of the mechanics of growth of the villous trophoblast bilayer, Bulletin of Math Biology, Vol. 66: 199-232.

R. Cortez, N. Cowen, R. Dillon, L. Fauci, 2004. Simulation of swimming organisms: Coupling internal mechanics with external fluid dynamics. , Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3: 38-45.

R. Cortez, L. Fauci, A. Medovikov 2005. The method of regularized stokeslets in three dimensions: analysis, validation, and application to helical swimming. ,Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17(031504).

N. Cogan, R. Cortez, L. Fauci, 2004. Modeling physiological resistance in bacterial biofilms. , Bulletin of Math Biology, in press.