Course Schedule

MATH 3080 - Spring 2024

Below is a course schedule. It contains an outline of course topics, reading assignments, homework, quiz and exam dates. By default, the assigned readings will be from the textbook Mathematical Statistics with Applications in R (see Syllabus). From time to time there will be links to supplementary notes or material.

Week Date Topics Section HW
1 Sampling Distributions Ch 4
F 1/19 Introduction, Review of Prelims, Random Variables, Limit Theorems
2 M 1/22 Intro to Sampling, Normal Distributions, Chi Squared 4.1, 4.2.1
W 1/24 Normal Distributions, Student t-distribution, F-distribtution 4.2.2, 4.2.3
F 1/26 R Lab
3 M 1/29 Order Statistics 4.3
W 1/31 Normal Approximation 4.4
F 2/02 R Lab
4 Statistical Estimation Ch 5
M 2/05 Into to Estimators, Point Estimators, Method of Moments 5.1, 5.2.1 HW 1 Due
W 2/07 Maximum Likelihood Estimators 5.2.2
F 2/09 Mardi Gras Break 🎉 - No Class
5 M 2/12
W 2/14 Properties of Estimators 5.3
F 2/16 Properties of Estimators 5.3
6 M 2/19 Error Estimation and confidence intervals - pivotal method 5.4 HW 2 Due
W 2/21 Single Population intervals 5.5
F 2/23 Variance intervals and two populations 5.6, 5.7
7 Hypothesis Testing Ch 6
M 2/26 Intro/ Definitions 6.1 HW 3 Due
W 2/28 Neyman Pearson Lemma 6.2
F 3/01 Midterm Exam I Ch 4 - 5
8 M 3/04 Likelihood Ratio Tests 6.3
W 3/06 Single Parameter Tests 6.4
F 3/08 R Lab
9 M 3/11 Two Sample Tests 6.5 HW 4 Due
W 3/13 Two Sample Tests cont/ Buffer Day 6.5
F 3/12 R Lab
10 Linear Regression Ch 7
M 3/18 Intro, Basic Linear Models 7.1 HW 5 Due
W 3/20 Basic Linear Models 7.2
F 3/22 R Lab
M 3/25 Spring Break 🌴 - No Class
W 3/27
F 3/29
11 M 4/01 Inference on Least Square Estimators 7.3
W 4/03 Predicting a particular value 7.4
F 4/05 R Lab
12 M 4/08 Correlation Analysis 7.5 HW 6 Due
W 4/10 Multiple regression and matrices 7.6
F 4/12 R Lab
13 Bayesian Inference Ch 10
M 4/15 Intro 10.1
W 4/14 Bayesian Point Estimation 10.2
F 4/19 Midterm Exam II Ch 6 - 7
14 M 4/22 Bayesian Point Estimation 10.2
W 4/24 Bayesian confidence interval 10.3
F 4/26 Bayesian hypothesis testing 10.4
15 M 4/29 Bayesian decision theory 10.5 HW 7 Due
W 5/01 Empirical Bayes Estimates 10.6