MATH 3080 - Spring 2024

Introduction to Statistical Inference


Welcome to MATH 3080 - Introduction to Statistical Inference

MATH 3080 is a rigorous first course in mathematical statistics with applications. Statistical methods are derived from their probabilistic roots. The successful student will be in a good position to understand new and more complex statistical methods, to critically evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and the appropriateness of existing statistical methodologies. They will also have the foundation to learn to apply these principles in new settings.

This webpage contains all the material and information related to the course. All relevant course information can be found in the navigation links at the top of the page. Below is a brief summary of some important course information. Please review the course syllabus for a more details.

  • Please direct all course communications and questions through the course Ed Discussion page
  • Lectures will take place MWF 2:00-2:50pm Richardson 108
  • A calendar of weekly topics, assigned readings, and due dates can be found in the course schedule
  • Homeworks will be assigned and collected electronically through Canvas